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Effective July 1st, 2021, there will no longer be any restrictions or capacity limits on religious gatherings and services in BC.

18, Dhū al Qa’dah, 1442 29, June, 2021 Al salāmu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullāh

I hope you are all in the best of health and īmān. It is my great pleasure to communicate the following to you on behalf of the VP of Religious Services and the Board of Religious Services of the BC Muslim Association. Alhamdulillāh, effective July 1st, 2021, there will no longer be any restrictions or capacity limits on religious gatherings and services in BC. This means that we will no longer be required to stand apart during salāh and our masājid can return 100% of their pre-pandemic capacities. The Province will also be lifting the mask mandate on July 1st, with masks being recommended but no longer necessary. For all other events at our facilities (halaqahs, nikahs etc.), the new indoor gathering limits will apply; such events will be limited to 50 people or 50% of normal capacity, whichever is greater. It is important that we continue to remind the community to stay home if they are feeling unwell or are required to quarantine. May Allah keep our communities safe and may He allow us to continue in His obedience.

Imam Yahya Momla Board of Religious Services BC Muslim Association yahya.momla@thebcma.com

Pick which Salat you would like to attend. You must register for each salat separately. Upcoming Juma'a Prayer Falls On: Friday, October 25, 2024

The registration is closed and all spots are reserved. Please wait for it to be available again.

We must do our due deligence in protecting our health as well as the health of others. This is our religious duty as important as offering Salat in Masjid. Please stay home if you are sick.

Mass gatherings are settings or events where large numbers of people may be in close contact. If they are not planned and managed carefully, they can contribute to the transmission of respiratory pathogens, such as the virus that causes COVID-19. This can cause additional strain on the health care system during outbreaks.

Physical distancing measures are a way to reduce COVID-19 transmission in the community by minimizing close contact with others, especially people who are at high risk for severe illness during the peak of the outbreak.

Message From Governement of Canada